The children were not forgotten. A huge pile of firewood was provided for the kids to try their hand at building with a material lighter than rock. Eric Landman did a great job organising the youngsters in creating this fascinating spiral in wood.
Another interesting event was this arch created at the beginning of one of the forest tracks in the Park. Daughter of the festival organiser John Shaw-Rimmington was delighted to show the strenght and safety of this dry stone feature. While all thes activities were happening tests for certification with DSWA in the UK were being carried out at initial and intermediate level. The rock for all the events, training courses, tests, the arch, and the bridge mostly came from stone that had been kept for just such a moment for 50 years! A large property on site had been burnt down and the owners realised the value of the stone. How sensible in this modern world when so much material which can be saved in still dumped and lost.
The next entry shows the highlight of this years Rocktober Fest (6th November). A wonderful bridge.
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