I did promise that I would not get involved in dry stone walling while visiting one of our sons in Australia. I did see many wonderful and unique animals including the egg laying mammal Duck Billed Platypus. Looking very relaxed was this Kangaroo. I also tried to photograph the elusive Tasmanian Devil but only caught it retreating. Despite my promise I did have to help a little bit along with son Calum. The wonderful folk we were staying with had a set of steps built with the local well named Mud stone. They found the rock was not suitable to run a wheelbarrow down as it was tending to crush the stone. We built a wheelbarrow ramp using large rocks set deep into the ground with only the flat surfaces exposed.It worked well.
I did find a few dry stone features in Australia, they will appear in a day or two. After that will be a photo of a build in Japan.